Friday, June 24, 2011

Quote from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

" There is no use in trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." " I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. " When I was your age,I always did it for half an hour a day. Why,Sometimes I've believed as many as six impoissible things before breakfast."

Think about it , believe.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

2012 Hands on Wednesday classes

We are planning the 2012 class schgedule right now. So many of you have told me ideas you have for Hands On Wednesday classes. These are 2 hour classes usually the first Wednesday of each month.These are available to anyone that has taken the basic class. So bring on the ideas, what do you want to learn,remember or create?

Judging/Evaluation Workshop

The Judging/Evaluation Workshops throughout the five state area has been well received and useful. Several states are now giving the workshop to their board members and active membership.New Iowa Board of Directors for the state association are required to take the workshop and pass the test to be a Level I Judge. Wisconsin, Minnesota,North and South Dakota are right in there with them.
Koehler & Dramm's Institute of Floristry has the Master List of all Registered Judges . When planning a design competition in your area use these professionally trained Judges. Call or e mail Cheryl at 612-362-3133 ,cstanius-deiman for the formal list.
This workshop is not only for judges judging design competitions, it is for us as designers , owners and managers to make sure everything we make for our customers is the best. To attend a Judging/Evaluation Workshop call Cheryl, give her your name and e mail address. When the next date is set we will contact you.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It was a beautiful warm sunny day, children were dressed in their Easter finest, music, fun activities, celebrities and flowers. I left Minneapolis on Thursday, designed Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the South Lawn, the presidents back yard. The President and the First Family were visiting the guests on Sunday afternoon and stopped by to shake our hand to thank us. Each year it is an honor to be involved in this exciting historic event.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Institute of Floristry new website

Check out Institute of Floristry new website! Photos, tips, news and so much more!