The AIFD Guide to Floral Design is the most current and comprehensive publication to date dedicated to providing value and signifiance for those who care about flowers and design. There are many publications with good information, this book has it all under one cover. I use it all of the time to learn, reinforce and reminde.Experts in Floraculture were enlisted representing numerous recognized educational resources, after much research and discussion ,writing and rewriting the book was completed and published.
JK Rollins was signing her books when a young woman brought a very worn book for er to sign. She asked the woman if it was her book.She answered it was not, it is her sons, but he did not want to bring it because pages were worn and torn, the cover was half there. MS. Rollins asker her to go hme and bring her son back with her, which she did. The son appeared in front of his favorite author with his head down, expecting to be told the proper care of a book. Instead she surprised him and the audience by telling him that this is what books need to look like. They need to be read and re read, cherushed and loved as a good friend, not sat on a shelf pristine I share this story because this is what my AIFD Guide to Floral Design looks like, loved and used.I even make notes and write in it, underline and star information
The Guide is essential for studying and obtaining your AIFD and state certifiation.Students ask me what is a good book to learn and study design. This is always my first choice teaching principals, elements, techniques,styles, forms of design, from the history o f design to the Directory of Terms, each page is vaueable.
We will study the Principals, Elements and Techniques of design in the year to come in the blog.We will even have designs of examples for you to create your own design.
You may purchase the book from Koehler & Dramm.
The Guide is essential for studying and obtaining your AIFD and state certifiation.Students ask me what is a good book to learn and study design. This is always my first choice teaching principals, elements, techniques,styles, forms of design, from the history o f design to the Directory of Terms, each page is vaueable.
You may purchase the book from Koehler & Dramm.