Chelmsford England is an hour and 15 minute drive from London. The flight was easy and uneventful, I slept most of the way. Had an isle seat, which I like best. The flight landed as scheduled at noon , it took an hour for customs. Ann and Deb were waiting for me. It was so good to see them.
We drove to Ann's house. I will take pictures. The house she lives in was an old stall/tack house.It was once a stable , barn and carriage house for King Henry the 8Th. Ann lives in the stable, Deb , one daughter and husband re did the barn, and are living in it. The carriage house and area is rented to Michael's partner and family. It is more than amazing. I will learn how to post pictures.
I went for a long walk this late afternoon. They said it is usually rainy and cold this time of the year, but not today. It is cloudy, and warm, many trees still have their beautiful leaves.
It is all so rich in history.
We went to another of Ann's daughters house. Emily, the bride to be and lots of family were there to work on the favors for the wedding.
A custom I learned about is there are a certain number of people, close people invited to the church ceremony, 125. The reception, a set down dinner there will be around 175. After dinner friends and others( friends and anyone that wants to share in the celebration) are invited to come to the dance and party. Great way to include everyone.
Not sure what will happen tomorrow. Next week one day they think we may have to drive to Belgium for flowers. We will go visit several shops around and in London, plus wholesale houses in London. I will teach at a couple colleges in the area. Maybe we can have some teacher come to our classroom to teach some classes!!! That will be very nice, exchange information.
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