The AIFD Guide to Floral Design is the most current and comprehensive publication to date dedicated to providing value and signifiance for those who care about flowers and design. There are many publications with good information, this book has it all under one cover. I use it all of the time to learn, reinforce and reminde.Experts in Floraculture were enlisted representing numerous recognized educational resources, after much research and discussion ,writing and rewriting the book was completed and published.
JK Rollins was signing her books when a young woman brought a very worn book for er to sign. She asked the woman if it was her book.She answered it was not, it is her sons, but he did not want to bring it because pages were worn and torn, the cover was half there. MS. Rollins asker her to go hme and bring her son back with her, which she did. The son appeared in front of his favorite author with his head down, expecting to be told the proper care of a book. Instead she surprised him and the audience by telling him that this is what books need to look like. They need to be read and re read, cherushed and loved as a good friend, not sat on a shelf pristine I share this story because this is what my AIFD Guide to Floral Design looks like, loved and used.I even make notes and write in it, underline and star information
The Guide is essential for studying and obtaining your AIFD and state certifiation.Students ask me what is a good book to learn and study design. This is always my first choice teaching principals, elements, techniques,styles, forms of design, from the history o f design to the Directory of Terms, each page is vaueable.
We will study the Principals, Elements and Techniques of design in the year to come in the blog.We will even have designs of examples for you to create your own design.
You may purchase the book from Koehler & Dramm.
The Guide is essential for studying and obtaining your AIFD and state certifiation.Students ask me what is a good book to learn and study design. This is always my first choice teaching principals, elements, techniques,styles, forms of design, from the history o f design to the Directory of Terms, each page is vaueable.
You may purchase the book from Koehler & Dramm.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
My Dedication to My dear friend Doug Hesnard SDCF
Doug Hesnard SDCF has been my friend personally and professionally for longer than I can pin down a date, time or event that we meet. He has always been there, here and everywhere, in my heart, my life, my home and me in his. Doug passed away Sunday evening, November 25, 2012 after successfully dodging cancer for many years. He was diagnosed fought back with his mighty spirit into recovery. He looked and felt wonderful, we were all proud of him and his force for health. I was able to see and share time with him several times. He would pop into my office, unannounced and unexpected. He would tell Claudia or Dan that he was coming to Koehler & Dramm, but to keep it a secret from me. He would pop his head around the corner and say something on the edge of" How is this old woman of a florist making it through the day?" or some country name even less attractive. He would laugh with that twinkle in his eyes and bring me to a deep belly laugh. I don't know anyone in the world that I would accept that greeting from, Doug is special to me.
May you be in a field of flowers, healthy , happy and helping others. Make that special design for God and all of our friends to swagger to your arrival celebration.Your love, spirit and knowledge taught me and all of us . We will carry on.You paid it forward for us to carry on the tradition.
Thank you my Dear Dear Friend. I love you and miss your physical presence in my life.
May you be in a field of flowers, healthy , happy and helping others. Make that special design for God and all of our friends to swagger to your arrival celebration.Your love, spirit and knowledge taught me and all of us . We will carry on.You paid it forward for us to carry on the tradition.
Thank you my Dear Dear Friend. I love you and miss your physical presence in my life.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
I was looking through the new AIFD Membership Directory and saw myself. It became very clear to me that a new head shot was in my near future. Some of the pictures in there are somewhat dated, as mine was. Time to do something about it !
The next step was to find someone that will do it and do a great job. I asked around to many of our Koehler & Dramm customers,students, friends in and out of the floral industry. While on that quest,it became evident that I need to prepare myself for this photograph that will be published. Jeff Johnson's name came up many times as well as Larissa has a dynamic head shot by Jeff.
My God Daughter , Maggie is an amazing hairstylist and color expert. . She has a friend that is a Master Hair Designer,, Larissa Wong has taught throughout the United States and traveled the world in her profession. Bingo.
I have the two components, the third is make up. Cannot have a good photo with out good make up. The photographer set me up with a very talented and delightful young make up artist that is amazing, Ingrid Kent, wait until you see the photo, you'll agree.
Planning for the timing of all three and me was a challenge. Between the photographer and hair designer we found a date and time. The make up artist was set up by the photographer when the three of us decided. Whew, that is done.
Now the hard part, what to wear? I settled on a black top, classic, nothing fancy.
I drove to Southdale for my hair. It was an amazing time, she is brilliant, then back to the photographers studio which is where and how I want to live one day.It is a huge area /studio with great windows, a living space all in one loft. The make up artist was there to do her magic asJeff was setting up lights and the area.
One very important point about head shots is please use professional people, that it is their job to do photos, hair,make up for this. It is your image you are putting out there in print. We want the public to use professional florists, lets return the respect. You receive what you pay for. When a service is preformed we must require the best in all we do and ask others to do.
Thank you Jeff Johnson, Larissa Wong and Ingrid Kent, and Margaret Donahue for sharing your time and talents with me.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
October 30, 2013
Today is the middle day of the Wedding Celebration Class. This is a three day class featuring designs for the celebration site. Traditionally that has been a church, which is not the case any more, a church is one of the places. There are many venue options available.
My Goddaughter and her darling husband were married last January in downtown Minneapolis. The ceremony was in the upper area with vintage brick walls, beautiful hardwood floors and lovely big bright windows. There was no alter, there was the Sacred Area in front of family and friends where her sister, a minister, married them. It was a family event with children playing, people laughing and sharing stories. Another of my favorite parts is the reception was in the restaurant on the first floor, we did not need to go outside. Family members brought favorite deserts, bought and homemade, the meal was buffet style and charming.thanks Meg and Pat for the best time.
Think beyond the " normal" what ever that is. Choose a place that represents you as the couple, a church, a park, venue site or your home farm, make it yours. Celebrate your marriage!
What are some "crazy" places to say marriage vows? Remember there must be flowers, lots and lots of beautiful flowers.
My Goddaughter and her darling husband were married last January in downtown Minneapolis. The ceremony was in the upper area with vintage brick walls, beautiful hardwood floors and lovely big bright windows. There was no alter, there was the Sacred Area in front of family and friends where her sister, a minister, married them. It was a family event with children playing, people laughing and sharing stories. Another of my favorite parts is the reception was in the restaurant on the first floor, we did not need to go outside. Family members brought favorite deserts, bought and homemade, the meal was buffet style and charming.thanks Meg and Pat for the best time.
Think beyond the " normal" what ever that is. Choose a place that represents you as the couple, a church, a park, venue site or your home farm, make it yours. Celebrate your marriage!
What are some "crazy" places to say marriage vows? Remember there must be flowers, lots and lots of beautiful flowers.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
How many flowers does it take to make a sphere??
How many flowers does it take to make a sphere??? That question comes across many times, so here is the fail safe recipe.
What size sphere you have score it gently, don't cut, just make a mark around the sphere marking it in half, then mark the halves in half = quarters. This is usually plenty for the smaller spheres. Then take a flower, make a mark in the foam where each flower will be inserted,making room for it to open if that is the goal. Then multiply that number by 4 which will equal the total amount needed. If it is one of the larger spheres score into 1/8 or 1/16, then multiply that out.
Thank you all for the great questions, it stems simple ,but when we are in the middle of something it is harder to see the end. I don't even have half of the answers but I know people that I can ask. The best part is that we all keep learning, sharing and designing.
What size sphere you have score it gently, don't cut, just make a mark around the sphere marking it in half, then mark the halves in half = quarters. This is usually plenty for the smaller spheres. Then take a flower, make a mark in the foam where each flower will be inserted,making room for it to open if that is the goal. Then multiply that number by 4 which will equal the total amount needed. If it is one of the larger spheres score into 1/8 or 1/16, then multiply that out.
Thank you all for the great questions, it stems simple ,but when we are in the middle of something it is harder to see the end. I don't even have half of the answers but I know people that I can ask. The best part is that we all keep learning, sharing and designing.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Bridal Bouquet Design Class
Thank you to all of you for the really creative Bridal Bouquet Design class this week. I am amazed with your creativity, you each take the products and truely create something custom and beautiful I have said it before and over and over how privileged I am being able to learn from and teach you.
We shared the days creating composite designs, Tussy Mussy, double cascade, grouping,crescents on the flat cane armature. There are times when you all look at me as I am asking you to do something strange " out of your box" and I am. That is why we call it a class. This is where you learn to trust yourself and your talent. This is where you can make a learning opportunity out of everything we do.
Check with Cheryl at 613-362-3133 or about availability in the three day Ceremony class, decorating the church and reception designs for that wedding.
See you then.
We shared the days creating composite designs, Tussy Mussy, double cascade, grouping,crescents on the flat cane armature. There are times when you all look at me as I am asking you to do something strange " out of your box" and I am. That is why we call it a class. This is where you learn to trust yourself and your talent. This is where you can make a learning opportunity out of everything we do.
Check with Cheryl at 613-362-3133 or about availability in the three day Ceremony class, decorating the church and reception designs for that wedding.
See you then.
Bridal Bouquet Class
October 15,16,and 17 was the Bridal Bouquet class. Thank you to you bright and creative students that joined the class. Each student created lovely fresh designs,grouping in a bouquet,composite,crescent with flat cane armature, bouquets with foam holders of several styles and hand tie designs.We created with the Smithers Oasis Wire Collar which can be used in so many ways.You each have fantastic ideas, I learn from each of you.
Contact Cheryl at 612-362-3133, or to sign up for classes. Request a 2013 class schedule.
Contact Cheryl at 612-362-3133, or to sign up for classes. Request a 2013 class schedule.
Monday, October 15, 2012
October 13 & 14 at South Dakota Free Fall Seminar
South Dakota State Florist Association hosts The Free Fall Seminar annually in Chamberlain South Dakota.
Most know that I was born down the road West of Chamberlain in Murdo. My mothers family is from White River, about 30 miles South of Murdo .So when anyone here at Koehler & Dramm Wholesale Florist says South Dakota, I am first with my hand up to go. I love it there, it is home in my heart.
On top of that geographically home, that is where floral design was introduced to me and taught to me by many many wonderful, talented ,generous kind people. When I can have the honor of giving back it is a privilege. The Florists in South Dakota are some of the best people in the world. Now that does include you James Lowe AIFD from Minot North Dakota and Damon (AIFD) and Sylvia Samuel from Omaha, Nebraska.
I knew for sure I was home when I took my daily walk on an old gravel country road, saw this lovely sunflower field, stopped,walked into the field to take these photos. After walking out I looked down and saw my pants,shoes and socks were full of sand burs!! Yes,they are alive and well. It took 15 minutes at least to pick them out. The whole time I was wondering if that is where the concept of Velcro started.
Donna and Sara Stenberg , Flandreau Flower Shop in Flandreau, South Dakota won the coveted Doug Hesnard Award of Design Excellence for the second year in a row. Go Girls, it was exquisite. All exhibits were beautiful, a hard one to judge.
Jenny Behlings,president of the association from Jenny's Floral in Custer, South Dakota won the highest level in the design competition The Pasque trophy and People Choice award. I was one of the judges for this competition, let me tell you the contestants scores were so close. You are all amazing from level one to level three. I commend all of you for stepping into the arena and doing your state association proud.
Home again, with more great memories of my home state, the land and the people. I really love it here in Minnesota too.
Most know that I was born down the road West of Chamberlain in Murdo. My mothers family is from White River, about 30 miles South of Murdo .So when anyone here at Koehler & Dramm Wholesale Florist says South Dakota, I am first with my hand up to go. I love it there, it is home in my heart.
On top of that geographically home, that is where floral design was introduced to me and taught to me by many many wonderful, talented ,generous kind people. When I can have the honor of giving back it is a privilege. The Florists in South Dakota are some of the best people in the world. Now that does include you James Lowe AIFD from Minot North Dakota and Damon (AIFD) and Sylvia Samuel from Omaha, Nebraska.
I knew for sure I was home when I took my daily walk on an old gravel country road, saw this lovely sunflower field, stopped,walked into the field to take these photos. After walking out I looked down and saw my pants,shoes and socks were full of sand burs!! Yes,they are alive and well. It took 15 minutes at least to pick them out. The whole time I was wondering if that is where the concept of Velcro started.
Donna and Sara Stenberg , Flandreau Flower Shop in Flandreau, South Dakota won the coveted Doug Hesnard Award of Design Excellence for the second year in a row. Go Girls, it was exquisite. All exhibits were beautiful, a hard one to judge.
Jenny Behlings,president of the association from Jenny's Floral in Custer, South Dakota won the highest level in the design competition The Pasque trophy and People Choice award. I was one of the judges for this competition, let me tell you the contestants scores were so close. You are all amazing from level one to level three. I commend all of you for stepping into the arena and doing your state association proud.
Home again, with more great memories of my home state, the land and the people. I really love it here in Minnesota too.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
October 4,1012
We are buzzing around here at Koehler & Dramm preparing for our you, our guests this weekend at our annual Autumn/Christmas program. The showroom is almost finished. Anyone knowing Our Richard Milteer AIFD knows it will never be finished, he is always adding and improving. The fresh product is arriving for the Vendors new varieties and beautiful product. Well, it is almost " like Christmas" here in the building. Time to shop, save and prepare for your exciting time of the year.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Autumn/Winter Holidays Design Program
It is a very exciting place here ar K&D preparing for our visit from Hitomi for our annual program. The displays are fantastic, bring your camera, i pad, to take pictures of them and Hitomi's designs. There are a couple of places remaning for the class she is teaching on Monday afternoon. Call Jeanie at 612-362-3131 to reserve a place at the program and class.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Hitomi is Coming to Koehler & Dramm
If you have not heard, Hitomi is coming to Koehler & Dramm to star in our program Sunday October 1, 2012.
Hitomi is an international designer sponsored by Koehler & Dramm and Accent Decor. She is an amazing designer and even more amazing lady. Come see her, visit our exceptional Autumn/Winter showroom and supply sales area, our fresh cooler and plant and design departments, plus The Institute of Floristry. You will learn, share,laugh and be inspired .
Hitomi is an international designer sponsored by Koehler & Dramm and Accent Decor. She is an amazing designer and even more amazing lady. Come see her, visit our exceptional Autumn/Winter showroom and supply sales area, our fresh cooler and plant and design departments, plus The Institute of Floristry. You will learn, share,laugh and be inspired .
October Hands On Wednesday
The design for the October Hands on Wednesday is an Autumn design with fresh, dried and permanent botanical. It is a centerpiece design style using the technique of stacking products. The Stacking technique uses materials to build the design from container height up to create depth, dimension and texture. The mechanics used are not specific to the style and technique ,add them to your tool box for use in your creativity.
Come join us Wednesday October 3, 2012 in the classroom at Koehler & Dramm.
Call Cheryl at 612-362-3133 to sign up and for the 2013 class schedule.
Come join us Wednesday October 3, 2012 in the classroom at Koehler & Dramm.
Call Cheryl at 612-362-3133 to sign up and for the 2013 class schedule.
Friday, September 28, 2012
North Dakota State Florist Convention
September 7, 2012 Bobby Bernstrom, Adrianne Opp and I from Koehler & Dramm took the beautiful drive from Minneapolis to Jamestown, North Dakota for their annual convention.
K&D sponsors the North Dakota Florist Showcase were three accomplished designers from the state are invited by the Board of Directors to do a design program on the main stage. Ardith Beveridge AAF,AIFD,PFCI,CAFA,MSF,WFC the instructor/Director of Kehler & Dramm Institute of Floristryeapolis, MN wascommentator for the program.This year the specia designers were Gabe Krantz from Krantzs Florist in Devils Lake North Dakota , Kyle Maier from Country Floral in Williston, North Dakota and Meiers Foral in Minot, North Dakota, and Cara Prescott from Don's House of Flowers in Jamestown North Dakota. Gabe is a third generation florist, Kyle just graduated from Botteneau College in June 2012 and Cara has been in the industry for a few years, went into another business , returned three years ago to purchase Don's.
All three designers had the same fresh product and supplies. They were asked to make four designs,1. Speciality dozen roses for a trendy customer,2. A design for an upscale lawyers office, very masculine,3. A bridal bouquet for a modern bride ans 4. A sympathy design for a woman who " died to soon who loved flowers." Each designer then presented their product with Ardith talking with them about their designs, the product, design techniques and procedures. Adriane and Bobby helped take the designs on and off of the stage.
Congratulations to Gabe, Kyle and Cara, you were all spectacular!!!! Thank you for using Koehler & Dramm's products so brilliantly. Thank you to North Dakota State for allowing us stage time to show our products.
K&D sponsors the North Dakota Florist Showcase were three accomplished designers from the state are invited by the Board of Directors to do a design program on the main stage. Ardith Beveridge AAF,AIFD,PFCI,CAFA,MSF,WFC the instructor/Director of Kehler & Dramm Institute of Floristryeapolis, MN wascommentator for the program.This year the specia designers were Gabe Krantz from Krantzs Florist in Devils Lake North Dakota , Kyle Maier from Country Floral in Williston, North Dakota and Meiers Foral in Minot, North Dakota, and Cara Prescott from Don's House of Flowers in Jamestown North Dakota. Gabe is a third generation florist, Kyle just graduated from Botteneau College in June 2012 and Cara has been in the industry for a few years, went into another business , returned three years ago to purchase Don's.
All three designers had the same fresh product and supplies. They were asked to make four designs,1. Speciality dozen roses for a trendy customer,2. A design for an upscale lawyers office, very masculine,3. A bridal bouquet for a modern bride ans 4. A sympathy design for a woman who " died to soon who loved flowers." Each designer then presented their product with Ardith talking with them about their designs, the product, design techniques and procedures. Adriane and Bobby helped take the designs on and off of the stage.
Congratulations to Gabe, Kyle and Cara, you were all spectacular!!!! Thank you for using Koehler & Dramm's products so brilliantly. Thank you to North Dakota State for allowing us stage time to show our products.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
July 3, 2012
Riona and I drove to Tukums, a city an hour or so from Riga where students were creating for the city festival of roses this coming weekend.The students were creating masks,wreaths and hanging gardens from greens, hay, straw,green and blooming plants,mosses. I will post pictures when they are finished. We will be creating these in classes. I was struck with their creativity and cleaver designs.We drove home to Riga to a going away party--with plenty of food, sharing and fun.
Thank you to those of you that traveled with me. Please let me know what you like to hear about and see in this blog. Sharing what you want to know is the most important to me.
July 4 my flight leaves here at 11:30 on Baltic Air to Amsterdam,3 hour layover,9 hour flight home.Home for the fireworks on 4th of July. Hooray!!!!!
Riona and I drove to Tukums, a city an hour or so from Riga where students were creating for the city festival of roses this coming weekend.The students were creating masks,wreaths and hanging gardens from greens, hay, straw,green and blooming plants,mosses. I will post pictures when they are finished. We will be creating these in classes. I was struck with their creativity and cleaver designs.We drove home to Riga to a going away party--with plenty of food, sharing and fun.
Thank you to those of you that traveled with me. Please let me know what you like to hear about and see in this blog. Sharing what you want to know is the most important to me.
July 4 my flight leaves here at 11:30 on Baltic Air to Amsterdam,3 hour layover,9 hour flight home.Home for the fireworks on 4th of July. Hooray!!!!!
June 30,2012
Lera brought Aija and I to the airport to leave St. Petersburg. It is a beautiful city with wonderful people. WE visited many flower shops and businesses of every size from grocery to huge buildings. I taught a few classes,showed some techniques and had a business meeting with a business with 21 floral shops. The Land Art class and other short courses have given me many ideas from business to design. Designers are the same world wide, delightful, kind,talented and a bit kooky.
Lera made breakfast for us before we left the country. We arrived in Riga,Jani picked us and brought us to the flat, where breakfast was ready. We left after breakfast number 2, to visit flower shops. The main visit where there was an exchange class, they had a very big Latvian lunch. The table was full of food and champagne. That was a nice touch, Iļl need to remember that!! Then out to Aijas parents country house, where, we had another large meal, with deserts, all traditional Latvian. The bread is always fresh , cheese homemade, home grown fruits and veggies, soup, did I say bread? We took a nice walk, came back where she had more food.
Aiajš mother Rita started the school during USSR occupation. She is a very good and educated gardener. The government wanted to learn more about producing food, flowers came under the heading. She took the USSR and German materials, transulated them into Latvian , then taught in her native langauge. When Latvia became a free country she continued traveling, learning and most important teaching her art forms. Aija always went with her, naturally absorbing everything from everyone.
We finally went home, did not eat more, had tea and slept soundly.
July 1,2012
Time is going by so so fast.
Elena picked me up this morning, we picked up Riona and traveled to Jurmal, a bay tourist/spa area. It was perfect for a road trip. We talked all of the way, checked into the hotel, went for a walk in the streets where the vendors were selling souvioneres. Then we went to the beautiful white sand beach, walked for a bit. Back to the hotel/spa we had a hot wax treatment and a massage, tea and relaxed. We decided to eat outside on the patio. Near the end of dinner the waiter walked to our table with some empty bottles,close to us a bottle fell on the cement and rocks and broke. He continued walking towards us shaking a bit, the second and third empty bottle fell next to our table. I felt the glass hit my leg,nothing went in, but a big piece of glass went into Rionaš front of her calf. She began to bleed, they took her to the Dr. upstairs where he checked her, washed and bandaged it. Yes they comped our meal. We felt bad for the waiter as well, he was shook up----get it. Really he felt so bad. Even with her bad leg we walked for a very long time on the beautiful beach at sunset.
July 2, 2012
We were up early, ate,were on our way to Vinda flower shop in Lielvarde where I taught a small class in design techniques. The owner, Ludra has 4 shops, two in Riga, one here and one in Ogre, about an hour from Lielvardr. We stopped at flower shops along the way to the Basilica of Our Lady of Algona. It is a very important and historic site in Latvia and for the Catholic and all religions in Latvia. It is a beautiful site,magical inside and out. It is amazing to be inside and on the grounds knowing the history. We stayed there for some time, drank from the Holy Water,enjoyed ourselves in the beauty and feelings.
The Kolonna Hotel in was where we stopped, checked in, drove out in the country to a few miles from the Russian border to a delightful farm house and garden. This is the home of a famous pottery maker in Latvia, his wife a known florist in the country and friends of Riona. They went to design school together. This was a surprise for me, she did not tell me that this was a part of the plan. Peteris Gailums demonstrated making some pots and bowls, telling how, why ,showing techniques of his art. He gave us a tour of the kilns, told how he made the kilns, and pottery. The big surprise was when he told me to set by the wheel and learn to create with it. The moment I toughed the clay it came alive, in a good way, or I came alive. I loved it, the feel, the process, the color. Oh yes I wore white pants, the only day I have worn them, saved them for the messiest time....! He will fire it and in time Riona will send it to me.
I also taught a class there. He makes beautiful vessels of all sorts, applied art ware and decorative. Applied art is art that one may use. His art is actually both.
Then, of coarse, there was food, food, more food. All homemade, from the fruit jams and jellies,veggies and potatoes from the garden, dill , grown by the door,mint tea, birch wine from the trees, the pig they raised and prepared, with the floral designs from the yard and garden on the dishes he made.
OH yes, all of this time my camera, charger and electricity adapter is in St. Perersburg. They do not sell my battery in the country.
Riona and I came back to the hotel late, had tea. I went to my room for an early rest. While packing and repacking I found a book Riona bought for me in English that told all about the history of Our Lady of Algona. I started to page through it, began reading, until the end. I read the entire book, it is not a big book 150 or so pages, so so interesting . It was after 2:00am before I slept.
July 3, 2012
When being with and traveling with Aija, Riona and their families for close to 15 years now, in Latvia, USA, Canada, anywhere they are always on time, a bit early. When they say 7:00 it is 6:56 . I am the same way.It is a joy knowing that everyone will be on time where they said and when. A couple of years ago at the Home and Garden show for the design competition, Eugene said he would be at K&D at a certain time, Claudia also said she will be there then, as I did. No one called to remind each other, no one worried if the other will show up on time, we all did. That is who you want to work and be associated with!
We drove almost 4 hours through the lovely countryside back to Riga. I am packing up to come home, bitter sweet. It is time. I want to share so many things about business and flowers. I cherish this time away to learn, grow, re invent myself to be a better more effective teacher with more to share and teach.
Traveling nationally or internationally , designing with other teachers, talents, crafts is a growing experience. One never knows enough.
Lera brought Aija and I to the airport to leave St. Petersburg. It is a beautiful city with wonderful people. WE visited many flower shops and businesses of every size from grocery to huge buildings. I taught a few classes,showed some techniques and had a business meeting with a business with 21 floral shops. The Land Art class and other short courses have given me many ideas from business to design. Designers are the same world wide, delightful, kind,talented and a bit kooky.
Lera made breakfast for us before we left the country. We arrived in Riga,Jani picked us and brought us to the flat, where breakfast was ready. We left after breakfast number 2, to visit flower shops. The main visit where there was an exchange class, they had a very big Latvian lunch. The table was full of food and champagne. That was a nice touch, Iļl need to remember that!! Then out to Aijas parents country house, where, we had another large meal, with deserts, all traditional Latvian. The bread is always fresh , cheese homemade, home grown fruits and veggies, soup, did I say bread? We took a nice walk, came back where she had more food.
Aiajš mother Rita started the school during USSR occupation. She is a very good and educated gardener. The government wanted to learn more about producing food, flowers came under the heading. She took the USSR and German materials, transulated them into Latvian , then taught in her native langauge. When Latvia became a free country she continued traveling, learning and most important teaching her art forms. Aija always went with her, naturally absorbing everything from everyone.
We finally went home, did not eat more, had tea and slept soundly.
July 1,2012
Time is going by so so fast.
Elena picked me up this morning, we picked up Riona and traveled to Jurmal, a bay tourist/spa area. It was perfect for a road trip. We talked all of the way, checked into the hotel, went for a walk in the streets where the vendors were selling souvioneres. Then we went to the beautiful white sand beach, walked for a bit. Back to the hotel/spa we had a hot wax treatment and a massage, tea and relaxed. We decided to eat outside on the patio. Near the end of dinner the waiter walked to our table with some empty bottles,close to us a bottle fell on the cement and rocks and broke. He continued walking towards us shaking a bit, the second and third empty bottle fell next to our table. I felt the glass hit my leg,nothing went in, but a big piece of glass went into Rionaš front of her calf. She began to bleed, they took her to the Dr. upstairs where he checked her, washed and bandaged it. Yes they comped our meal. We felt bad for the waiter as well, he was shook up----get it. Really he felt so bad. Even with her bad leg we walked for a very long time on the beautiful beach at sunset.
July 2, 2012
We were up early, ate,were on our way to Vinda flower shop in Lielvarde where I taught a small class in design techniques. The owner, Ludra has 4 shops, two in Riga, one here and one in Ogre, about an hour from Lielvardr. We stopped at flower shops along the way to the Basilica of Our Lady of Algona. It is a very important and historic site in Latvia and for the Catholic and all religions in Latvia. It is a beautiful site,magical inside and out. It is amazing to be inside and on the grounds knowing the history. We stayed there for some time, drank from the Holy Water,enjoyed ourselves in the beauty and feelings.
The Kolonna Hotel in was where we stopped, checked in, drove out in the country to a few miles from the Russian border to a delightful farm house and garden. This is the home of a famous pottery maker in Latvia, his wife a known florist in the country and friends of Riona. They went to design school together. This was a surprise for me, she did not tell me that this was a part of the plan. Peteris Gailums demonstrated making some pots and bowls, telling how, why ,showing techniques of his art. He gave us a tour of the kilns, told how he made the kilns, and pottery. The big surprise was when he told me to set by the wheel and learn to create with it. The moment I toughed the clay it came alive, in a good way, or I came alive. I loved it, the feel, the process, the color. Oh yes I wore white pants, the only day I have worn them, saved them for the messiest time....! He will fire it and in time Riona will send it to me.
I also taught a class there. He makes beautiful vessels of all sorts, applied art ware and decorative. Applied art is art that one may use. His art is actually both.
Then, of coarse, there was food, food, more food. All homemade, from the fruit jams and jellies,veggies and potatoes from the garden, dill , grown by the door,mint tea, birch wine from the trees, the pig they raised and prepared, with the floral designs from the yard and garden on the dishes he made.
OH yes, all of this time my camera, charger and electricity adapter is in St. Perersburg. They do not sell my battery in the country.
Riona and I came back to the hotel late, had tea. I went to my room for an early rest. While packing and repacking I found a book Riona bought for me in English that told all about the history of Our Lady of Algona. I started to page through it, began reading, until the end. I read the entire book, it is not a big book 150 or so pages, so so interesting . It was after 2:00am before I slept.
July 3, 2012
When being with and traveling with Aija, Riona and their families for close to 15 years now, in Latvia, USA, Canada, anywhere they are always on time, a bit early. When they say 7:00 it is 6:56 . I am the same way.It is a joy knowing that everyone will be on time where they said and when. A couple of years ago at the Home and Garden show for the design competition, Eugene said he would be at K&D at a certain time, Claudia also said she will be there then, as I did. No one called to remind each other, no one worried if the other will show up on time, we all did. That is who you want to work and be associated with!
We drove almost 4 hours through the lovely countryside back to Riga. I am packing up to come home, bitter sweet. It is time. I want to share so many things about business and flowers. I cherish this time away to learn, grow, re invent myself to be a better more effective teacher with more to share and teach.
Traveling nationally or internationally , designing with other teachers, talents, crafts is a growing experience. One never knows enough.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
This is a really cheap excuse, this couputer that I am writing on is Latvian, every word written in English has a red line under it as a mistake. If you like to correct the mistakes for me that will be fine, or make up the word you think I am saying. Thx
June 28, 2012
We left the apartment at 12:45AM----the morning of June 28 to walk to the Neva River to watch the bridges open. We are living on this island in the middle of the city. There are 101 islands that are part of the city, plus the actual land. At 1:00 all of the big bridges that connect the island to the main city open one by one in a ritualistic pattern, one after another until all 7 are open. At that time there is no road transportation across the river. The metro closes at midnight. The island is closed until after 2:00AM every day.This is so the big ships ,barges,boats can come into the ports and rivers that connect the Baltic Sea to Moscow from the Volga River. It was a beautiful chilly morning. We walked back home to snuggle in our beds.
Lera was up early making porridge ( oat meal).With wonderful homemade jam,bread,tea.
We left the apartment which is on the 6th, top floor of the building, down the very old elevator , out to the busy city. We walked to the metro. Those of you that have been to the Atlanta airport, and have taken the escelator, the looooooooooong one, this is 3 times the length as it goes down under the water, then waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back up. We walked all day visiting churches, historical sights,businesses, flower shops,stopping for coffee and tea with delightful snacks in delightful places. One chocolate shop had two chocolate fountains as tall as me, maybe taller. They would not let me close enough to check or taste.I wish everyone could see St. Petersburg and Russia through my eyes and experiences.
Jani had to leave for Riga, he took the metro to the station, leaving Lera and I alone, with our different langauges. She understands many words, I now know 10 Russian words, one of the them rubbish which does not come up in conversation a lot. It is about the same word in both .Jani set one of her computers to write in English, automatically transulating to Russian as I wrote. The other Lera wrote in Russian transulating into English as she wrote. It is Google transulator, great tool. It will even say it out loud if you ask it to. We had a fun time communicating , sharing our lives
, families and flowers.
June 28 &;29, 2012
Land Art Competition
.There were 13 teams from many countries and cities in Russia and Europe. There are 4 members of each team. The teams arrived to the event site on Wednesday morning, checked in , meet for instructions, rules and schedule. They then went into the forest and asres on site to find the place they choose to create their instalation. The only things they may bring from home are tools, fish line,nothing made from home. When the site was chosen, the team returned to report and register their site. They then began creating, until dinner time where they meet, talked, sang and enjoyed meeting each other.
After breakfast on the 28th, the teams created all day, stopping for lunch and dinner. They worked until evening, ate more had entertainment, partied , sang more and to bed at 5:00AM on the 29th!!!!
Lera and I were up early on our way by car to the country where the Land Art Festival was being held. It was a nice hour and a half drive to The Baltic Sea, then up further North. The competition is held at a private park/campground facility. There are hotel rooms for the contestants and guests, plus a cafe/resturaunt , beach,camping grounds and hookups. It really could be in Northern Minnesota, The Black Hills,any forest area.There we meet Aija and the other judges for the competition. Two judges are part of the company presenting the event, a judge from Italy, Aija and myself.
We , the judges, photographers and event officials began our hike through the forest, up,down,in,out,up and down again for two hours. Each Land Art was marked on a map and numbered. We went as a unit, marked and talked about each one. They were eveluated on idea, mechanics, how it integrated into the chosen landscape,difaculity,effect on viewer and enviornment.It was wonderful. The misquetos were out in force. They are as bad here as they are at home!!!!
We tabulated and discussed the installations, first through fourth place were decided.
After our hike, we had lunch, then went back out to visit each site with the designers and guests. Each site was visited again with verbal evaluations from the judges.
Every one went to their rooms, collected their belongings, checked out meet for final meeting , awards and final dinner.
Lera, Aija, Ivan, the judge from Italy and myself drove back to St.Petersburg, to change clothes, walk about an hour to the canal in the city where a sightseeing charter/dinner boat took us on a thre hour meal and cruise on the Neva, in and around the city. We walked back home,had coffee and walked back to see the bridges open one more time, arriving home around 2:00.
June 28, 2012
We left the apartment at 12:45AM----the morning of June 28 to walk to the Neva River to watch the bridges open. We are living on this island in the middle of the city. There are 101 islands that are part of the city, plus the actual land. At 1:00 all of the big bridges that connect the island to the main city open one by one in a ritualistic pattern, one after another until all 7 are open. At that time there is no road transportation across the river. The metro closes at midnight. The island is closed until after 2:00AM every day.This is so the big ships ,barges,boats can come into the ports and rivers that connect the Baltic Sea to Moscow from the Volga River. It was a beautiful chilly morning. We walked back home to snuggle in our beds.
Lera was up early making porridge ( oat meal).With wonderful homemade jam,bread,tea.
We left the apartment which is on the 6th, top floor of the building, down the very old elevator , out to the busy city. We walked to the metro. Those of you that have been to the Atlanta airport, and have taken the escelator, the looooooooooong one, this is 3 times the length as it goes down under the water, then waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back up. We walked all day visiting churches, historical sights,businesses, flower shops,stopping for coffee and tea with delightful snacks in delightful places. One chocolate shop had two chocolate fountains as tall as me, maybe taller. They would not let me close enough to check or taste.I wish everyone could see St. Petersburg and Russia through my eyes and experiences.
Jani had to leave for Riga, he took the metro to the station, leaving Lera and I alone, with our different langauges. She understands many words, I now know 10 Russian words, one of the them rubbish which does not come up in conversation a lot. It is about the same word in both .Jani set one of her computers to write in English, automatically transulating to Russian as I wrote. The other Lera wrote in Russian transulating into English as she wrote. It is Google transulator, great tool. It will even say it out loud if you ask it to. We had a fun time communicating , sharing our lives
, families and flowers.
June 28 &;29, 2012
Land Art Competition
.There were 13 teams from many countries and cities in Russia and Europe. There are 4 members of each team. The teams arrived to the event site on Wednesday morning, checked in , meet for instructions, rules and schedule. They then went into the forest and asres on site to find the place they choose to create their instalation. The only things they may bring from home are tools, fish line,nothing made from home. When the site was chosen, the team returned to report and register their site. They then began creating, until dinner time where they meet, talked, sang and enjoyed meeting each other.
After breakfast on the 28th, the teams created all day, stopping for lunch and dinner. They worked until evening, ate more had entertainment, partied , sang more and to bed at 5:00AM on the 29th!!!!
Lera and I were up early on our way by car to the country where the Land Art Festival was being held. It was a nice hour and a half drive to The Baltic Sea, then up further North. The competition is held at a private park/campground facility. There are hotel rooms for the contestants and guests, plus a cafe/resturaunt , beach,camping grounds and hookups. It really could be in Northern Minnesota, The Black Hills,any forest area.There we meet Aija and the other judges for the competition. Two judges are part of the company presenting the event, a judge from Italy, Aija and myself.
We , the judges, photographers and event officials began our hike through the forest, up,down,in,out,up and down again for two hours. Each Land Art was marked on a map and numbered. We went as a unit, marked and talked about each one. They were eveluated on idea, mechanics, how it integrated into the chosen landscape,difaculity,effect on viewer and enviornment.It was wonderful. The misquetos were out in force. They are as bad here as they are at home!!!!
We tabulated and discussed the installations, first through fourth place were decided.
After our hike, we had lunch, then went back out to visit each site with the designers and guests. Each site was visited again with verbal evaluations from the judges.
Every one went to their rooms, collected their belongings, checked out meet for final meeting , awards and final dinner.
Lera, Aija, Ivan, the judge from Italy and myself drove back to St.Petersburg, to change clothes, walk about an hour to the canal in the city where a sightseeing charter/dinner boat took us on a thre hour meal and cruise on the Neva, in and around the city. We walked back home,had coffee and walked back to see the bridges open one more time, arriving home around 2:00.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tuesday June 27 St. Petrersberg,Russia
Monday morning June 26 Aija , Janii and I were up at 4:15 AM, out of the apartment in Riga by 5:30 off to the airport to Russia. She coached me on what to do and say/or not to be safe , to make it an uneventful trip out of and into the country. The airport was easy, in and to our gate,then onto Air Baltic for a short 50 flight. I expected St.Petersburg airport to be very big and beautiful. It was small and very easy to travel through. Heading to customs I knew all of the answers to the questions that they could or usually ask travelers. I memorized the names,addresses,people and places. Walking up to the customs counter I was anxious , and very well prepared. I handed them my passport and papers, he looked at them, stamped them and sent me on my words at all. I wanted to say, wait, I can pass the test. Thought better and walked on.
Lera, Aijas friend and past student picked us up,headed right for a place to have coffee and pancakes, the good kind ,as in Hungary and France. The crepes that are thin, with jelly, cheese and many fillings. We picked up a couple other students/friends,to come to this large wholesale house with us. Olga gave me a very nice tour, we talked . She is a fresh flower buyer and salesperson. They are very proud of their facility as they sell fresh cut flowers, ,green and blooming plants, supplies and home decor. One of the only two in Russia that she knows of that have it all under one roof.
The five of us went to several flower shops, and coffee shops. Aija left us to be a part of a press conference for the Land Art Competition which I will take part in. We visited more shops until she meet up with us.We visited her school and classrooms. Polina and Anistasya went one way, we came to Lera's apartment to unpack, have coffee, relax. When I say coffee for me it is tea,coffee is the favorite drink, tea I think second? Each day I learn a couple more Russian words,and more Latvian.
Around 7:00 PM after a very strong rain we decided to take a walk to meet another friend for "coffee".WE walked along the Neva River. There is an island in the city. Lera lives on the island, it is a beautiful and very historic place. We saw so many lovely buildings, statues,parks,monuments. Lera and her family have lived here all of their lives, she is the best guide ever, Aija is the best interpreter..ever. We meet our riend, walked more , then walked to their family flat. It is very beautiful. The same as Lera''s,quiet in the center of such a large city. We had wine, cavoir,crepes,cheese. Aija looked at the clock, it was 10:00PM. Yes I was still out of the house!!!
One name for this time of the year way up North is White Nights. It never is dark for many weeks. 10:00PM felt as 4:00 PM. We walked home the long way, by the river, arriving around 11:00.
Lera''s began to make pirogi with cabbage,egg and garlic. Finally around midnight I left the two still talking and laughing and cooking.
June 27
Jani took the bus from Riga, arriving at 5:00AM. We all slept in , had a great breakfast, prepared to leave for the day. Aija went to begin preparations for Land Art Competition. I found out this morning that I am an judge. I will go out in a day or so. In the time Jani and Lera will show me the city.
We drove to Pushkin ( Tsarskoe Selo ) a town of impereal palaces. The palace we visited is also known as Great Catherine Palace, built in 1744 to 1756. It is Russian Baroque.We arrived, bought a ticket to be on the grounds,headed to the line to enter the palace with so many people. We arrived around noon,waited until 2:00 when they closed the line for 2 hours for appointment tours,reopening at 4:00. The line was tight, it rained on and off. Lera stayed in line as we explored the amazing gardens and parks of the royal. Lera, Jani and I went to the car for a snack that she had packed, and coffee. We also stopped at the WC ( restrooms) where we paid equal to $1.50 to use the facilities!!!
Around 4:30 we arrived inside to another ticket office.Waited in that line, then went to another line to wait to enter. All of this was about an hour to where we put on special slippers to enter.So so many people all wanting to see the same thing.The art, gold,flooring was stunning. It was hard to see and hear a lot ,so many crowds, I became a bit chlosterphobic. We stayed in there about 40 minutes,seeing what we could see.
We came home, ate,relaxed. Tonight at 1:00 we will walk to Neva River to watch the bridges go up. At 1:00AM all of the bridges on the Neva open at the same time to allow the ships to exit and enter the port. They are all lit . There are fireworks with the show.
The Russian people are more than kind and wonderful, They are kind, gracious, just the same as you.
Pictures will come later...
Monday morning June 26 Aija , Janii and I were up at 4:15 AM, out of the apartment in Riga by 5:30 off to the airport to Russia. She coached me on what to do and say/or not to be safe , to make it an uneventful trip out of and into the country. The airport was easy, in and to our gate,then onto Air Baltic for a short 50 flight. I expected St.Petersburg airport to be very big and beautiful. It was small and very easy to travel through. Heading to customs I knew all of the answers to the questions that they could or usually ask travelers. I memorized the names,addresses,people and places. Walking up to the customs counter I was anxious , and very well prepared. I handed them my passport and papers, he looked at them, stamped them and sent me on my words at all. I wanted to say, wait, I can pass the test. Thought better and walked on.
Lera, Aijas friend and past student picked us up,headed right for a place to have coffee and pancakes, the good kind ,as in Hungary and France. The crepes that are thin, with jelly, cheese and many fillings. We picked up a couple other students/friends,to come to this large wholesale house with us. Olga gave me a very nice tour, we talked . She is a fresh flower buyer and salesperson. They are very proud of their facility as they sell fresh cut flowers, ,green and blooming plants, supplies and home decor. One of the only two in Russia that she knows of that have it all under one roof.
The five of us went to several flower shops, and coffee shops. Aija left us to be a part of a press conference for the Land Art Competition which I will take part in. We visited more shops until she meet up with us.We visited her school and classrooms. Polina and Anistasya went one way, we came to Lera's apartment to unpack, have coffee, relax. When I say coffee for me it is tea,coffee is the favorite drink, tea I think second? Each day I learn a couple more Russian words,and more Latvian.
Around 7:00 PM after a very strong rain we decided to take a walk to meet another friend for "coffee".WE walked along the Neva River. There is an island in the city. Lera lives on the island, it is a beautiful and very historic place. We saw so many lovely buildings, statues,parks,monuments. Lera and her family have lived here all of their lives, she is the best guide ever, Aija is the best interpreter..ever. We meet our riend, walked more , then walked to their family flat. It is very beautiful. The same as Lera''s,quiet in the center of such a large city. We had wine, cavoir,crepes,cheese. Aija looked at the clock, it was 10:00PM. Yes I was still out of the house!!!
One name for this time of the year way up North is White Nights. It never is dark for many weeks. 10:00PM felt as 4:00 PM. We walked home the long way, by the river, arriving around 11:00.
Lera''s began to make pirogi with cabbage,egg and garlic. Finally around midnight I left the two still talking and laughing and cooking.
June 27
Jani took the bus from Riga, arriving at 5:00AM. We all slept in , had a great breakfast, prepared to leave for the day. Aija went to begin preparations for Land Art Competition. I found out this morning that I am an judge. I will go out in a day or so. In the time Jani and Lera will show me the city.
We drove to Pushkin ( Tsarskoe Selo ) a town of impereal palaces. The palace we visited is also known as Great Catherine Palace, built in 1744 to 1756. It is Russian Baroque.We arrived, bought a ticket to be on the grounds,headed to the line to enter the palace with so many people. We arrived around noon,waited until 2:00 when they closed the line for 2 hours for appointment tours,reopening at 4:00. The line was tight, it rained on and off. Lera stayed in line as we explored the amazing gardens and parks of the royal. Lera, Jani and I went to the car for a snack that she had packed, and coffee. We also stopped at the WC ( restrooms) where we paid equal to $1.50 to use the facilities!!!
Around 4:30 we arrived inside to another ticket office.Waited in that line, then went to another line to wait to enter. All of this was about an hour to where we put on special slippers to enter.So so many people all wanting to see the same thing.The art, gold,flooring was stunning. It was hard to see and hear a lot ,so many crowds, I became a bit chlosterphobic. We stayed in there about 40 minutes,seeing what we could see.
We came home, ate,relaxed. Tonight at 1:00 we will walk to Neva River to watch the bridges go up. At 1:00AM all of the bridges on the Neva open at the same time to allow the ships to exit and enter the port. They are all lit . There are fireworks with the show.
The Russian people are more than kind and wonderful, They are kind, gracious, just the same as you.
Pictures will come later...
Monday, June 25, 2012
June 25. 2012
June 24, 2012 was Jani ( Johns )Day in Latvia. Most people in Latvia and other European countries have a name day.This is a special day just for those with that special name. Jani is the most popular mans name so it is celebrated throughout with many phases. I am visiting with Jani, my friend, with his mother and girlfriend. His grandfather , and friend with the same name. Saturday was a day of preparation,making food, eating food, drinking beer and homemade Birch wine, eating some more, talking , more beer.
We went into the meadows around the cottage to collect wildflowers to make head wreaths for the women . We collected malpe branches and leaves to make head wreaths for the Jani's at the party. We sang, ate and enjoyed the patio, lake and chilly weather.
Everyone about 20 of us sat at the table full of traditional latvian food with special recipes for Jani Day. Rita, grandma read and talked to all of us at the table about the traditions, we, actually they sang songs, she shared the history and taditions of the day. The we started to eat/ Other guests showed up so we went outside and sang and welcomed them, that happened several times, oh yes and tosted the guests with beer.
The guests arrived with decorations on their car of maple leaves, garlands, wreaths, so many types. They did teach me how they made and attatched them to the cars. Next Wedding Class we wil do it.
The next step was for everyone to go into the field to collect 27 different flowers and herbs. This bouquet we are to dry and keep in our homes. If something bad happens we are to take some, make tea and all bad will go away. Love that tradition. Everyone came back to the decorated tent in the clearing with food, glowers, candles. The long table was lovely. There wad a bonfire all stacked up as LandArt, very attractive, rather a shame to burn. The fire was lit, more food cooked outside, laughing, singing, dancing. A friend brought her saxaphone to play like an angel. I showed them some zumba steps, we had fun with that.
The men made a fire way up on a pole, and lit it. Tradition is that it is a long day, the sun does not set on Latvia this time of the year. The fire in the air shows how the night is light, resembling the sun.
More dance, foor and beer. I went to bed about 12:30, they stayed up all night, coming back to the sauna about 3:00AM, shower, food, and to bed about 6:00AM. The beginning of Jani Day.
The family and friends were up around 10:30 with the saxapone announcing breakfast. It was a slow rainy day, great relaxing, nap now and then. The guests started to leave after lunch. About 8:00 the boys went to the lake, made a fire in the water off of the shore.I taught a small class on weaving and making paper flowers, we talked design and trends. The ladies went into the hot tub outside with Birch wine, peony and apple blossoms, candles, some mint...sort of Florist soup instead of Stone Soup. We had strawberry facials, with the new moon overhead. Great sleeping.
Monday we were up into Riga. We visited the main wholesale house and flower shops. We prpared for tomorrows flight to Russia.
We went into the meadows around the cottage to collect wildflowers to make head wreaths for the women . We collected malpe branches and leaves to make head wreaths for the Jani's at the party. We sang, ate and enjoyed the patio, lake and chilly weather.
Everyone about 20 of us sat at the table full of traditional latvian food with special recipes for Jani Day. Rita, grandma read and talked to all of us at the table about the traditions, we, actually they sang songs, she shared the history and taditions of the day. The we started to eat/ Other guests showed up so we went outside and sang and welcomed them, that happened several times, oh yes and tosted the guests with beer.
The guests arrived with decorations on their car of maple leaves, garlands, wreaths, so many types. They did teach me how they made and attatched them to the cars. Next Wedding Class we wil do it.
The men made a fire way up on a pole, and lit it. Tradition is that it is a long day, the sun does not set on Latvia this time of the year. The fire in the air shows how the night is light, resembling the sun.
More dance, foor and beer. I went to bed about 12:30, they stayed up all night, coming back to the sauna about 3:00AM, shower, food, and to bed about 6:00AM. The beginning of Jani Day.
The family and friends were up around 10:30 with the saxapone announcing breakfast. It was a slow rainy day, great relaxing, nap now and then. The guests started to leave after lunch. About 8:00 the boys went to the lake, made a fire in the water off of the shore.I taught a small class on weaving and making paper flowers, we talked design and trends. The ladies went into the hot tub outside with Birch wine, peony and apple blossoms, candles, some mint...sort of Florist soup instead of Stone Soup. We had strawberry facials, with the new moon overhead. Great sleeping.
Monday we were up into Riga. We visited the main wholesale house and flower shops. We prpared for tomorrows flight to Russia.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Arriving to Latvia (Latvia&Russia, 2012)
June 21, 22, 23
The flight took off right on time out of Minneapolis. I settled in for a nice sleep. It never really became dark the entire flight, being the longest day of the year. Night never fell going to the East, as it came up. Delightful to actually see and feel the experience.
The flight took off right on time out of Minneapolis. I settled in for a nice sleep. It never really became dark the entire flight, being the longest day of the year. Night never fell going to the East, as it came up. Delightful to actually see and feel the experience.
I walked off of the plane in Amsterdam to see Astrida, my friend
and former student, who spends her summer in her homeland of Latvia. My
seat was 24 B, hers was 24 F, directly across the four middle seats
from me. Both of us were in the isle seat and did not see each other. We
talked, had tea, the three and a half hours went by so fast. It was
nice setting with her on the flight as well. We parted at the airport.
Jani, Daiga,Riona and Eleana were there to meet me with
flowers, a flower purse,balloons and Rice Krispy Bars, chocolate with
M&M''s---so so wonderful to see them waiting for me. Riona and I
meet close to 20 years ago when we took a design class in Lyone,France. A
couple of years later I invited her to come to teach in Minneapolis at
The Institute of Floristry. She accepted and asked if her teacher can
come with her. They came, it was the beginning of a close friend/family
relationship. They have been with their families to US many times, this
is my fourth time to Latvia.
This little country on the Baltic Sea was free from Russia for
10 years on my first visit. She was beginning to find herself and her
joy and pride again after 50 years of Russian rule. The woman president
reinstated the arts, singing,dancing,painting,acting and floral design.
She knew that will encourage the population to bring out their best and
find joy. Aija's mother was the designer and her school to step up to be
the first Floral Design School. Aija , her daughter has taken over the
business and is doing an amazing job.
Riona and Elena, her daughter went to their apartment, Janii,
Daiga and I went to the apartment to unload the luggage. We went to eat,
walked in Riga city center, walked around the market area.It was a
beautiful peaceful evening. Then we took a 20 minute drive to the Baltic
Sea shore. The sun was beginning to set, the white fine sand was a bit
chilly, clean and crisp, so beautiful.
Sleep came fast and good. I woke up to a knock on my door, we
had breakfast, headed out to the Riga City Center. This is Janas Day
Weekend, a celebration weekend in Latvia, four day celebration.The
center was filled with vendors selling home made items, crafts,
bread,cheese,,beer and flowers,flowers and more flowers. There were many
singing and dancing performers on stages all around. The streets
heading into the center were also filled with vendors and people.It was
filled with music and energy. We went to the market to buy ingredients
to cook for the Jani celebration in the country house. The flower market
was amazing, all fresh, plants,green, blooming,garden,eating
plants.Beautiful , great smells. To a few more stores for just the right
We stopped at Aerodium( Jani and Daiga had a
surprise for me. There is this little place outside Riga where you can
go to fly...thatš right fly. We went into this area, saw the video and
instruction, proceeded to put on our "flight suit", hair net,ear
plugs,goggles,helmet. Then to the staging area where we did exercises to
loosen our muscles and our minds.A short walk up two flights of stairs,
there we were.I stepped in first, the insrtructor suggested putting my
arms up as they do in the airport screening,and fall forward. The wind
blowing up actually puts you flying. He stayed in there with me,keeping
me in the center. At first it was a challange to take a breath from my
mouth, from my nose it was good. Amazing, really brilliant experience,
once in a lifetime.We did not purchase any of the pictures.The wind blew
my mouth open, my cheeks sunk in , I looked like I could be growling,
and I believe drooling some as well . The video did not say to keep your
mouth shut!
Then to the country house to see Aija, the family ,to prepare
for the celebration tomorrow. I had some home made beer.Those of me that
know that part of me, I never USED to drink beer. It was very good,
sort of sweet and smooth after a fine day of flying. We made cheese,
garlic bread and so much more for the celebration.
It will be an early evening for me.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
2012 Art In Bloom
The Artisans from Koehler & Dramm Institute of Floristry have a delightful design that they created from conception to fabulous birth on the front step of The Minneapolis Institute of Art.
Congratulations to all of you .
The design will be moved from the miseum to Dodge Nature Center on Monday April 30, Trees will be planted on the sides and entwined around the cylanders for a permanent work of art.
I am honored to be a part of the group.
Congratulations to all of you .
The design will be moved from the miseum to Dodge Nature Center on Monday April 30, Trees will be planted on the sides and entwined around the cylanders for a permanent work of art.
I am honored to be a part of the group.
Hungary 2012
From Holland the next stop was Budapest Hungary. The flight was short, about an hour and 40 minutes, enough time to take a short nap. The plane was full. Curious the people talked and laughed the entire trip. All of the other flights everyone was very quiet.

Vera was right at the gate. Vera lived with me here in Minneapolis for 8 months a few years ago while she worked at Koehler. We became family. March 2 she and Akos her husband had a darling healthy baby boy Szilard. I wanted to hold him and play with him. We went to their house in Gyor a city an hour and a half from Budapest. They have a darling house, dog, cat, fence, all of what it takes to make a family and now a baby.

When going to school we always were told that Hungary is the bread basket of the world. Well, it is true, they have the best bread anywhere, every size, shape, color, style, texture and I love all of it. We stopped at a local restaurant for dinner, with their pancakes and went home to enjoy the remainder of the day as a family. Monday we stayed home, cooked together, went outside, walked and shared the lovely day.
Tuesday I packed ready for Timi and Tamas to pick me up to go to Budapest to visit flower shops and see the city. It was difficult leaving Vera and Szilard and Akos.
Once into the city we visited several flower shops that Vera’s friend Peter suggested. Peter is a winner of The European Cup. Many European countries send chosen delegates to compete. Hungary is often the cup winner. It was delightful walking and driving around the big energetic city, stopping and talking to shop owners and employees about their education system in Floristry.

The show area was in a huge wholesale facility, about 3 of Koehler&Dramm, set up very differently. Vendors come in three days a week, rent a space and sell from there, somewhat like a co-op. It was really nice to see and walk around. We went upstairs to prepare. Timi had some corsage wristlets, glue and a few other items for me to show. My main goal was to talk about the school, and find a great designer that we can invite to Koehler & Dramm to share with our customers and students. The morning was a business meeting, how to promote your business and web business how to approach and use. Timi translated for me. Then it was our turn.
Attila Boros is a co-director of the association. Timi spoke with him, suggested I come do a part in their show. He took a chance and invited us. He is a talented delightful designer, who last year won the European Cup.
(photo: with Peter Panczel and Attila Boros)
The three of us went on stage. I talked, Timi translated all about the school and Attila translated about the designs. It was energizing and so so much fun. The audience was fully engaged, asked lots of questions, stayed there the entire time. They do not make and wear many corsages. I showed several ways with what was there in flowers and time. I showed Phil’s bird and some weavings and leaf work. Timi talked about our u tube and school. It was wonderful.
We left there to take a side trip to Timi and Tamas home town. I meet both of their parents, saw Tamas hobby farm, ate more great bread and food, with some home made Palinka…that will snap you to attention…thank you to Timi’s dad. Then we went back to Budapest.
On a note Attila will be coming to US soon to do a stage program, teach some classes and have some fun here in US. We are already making plans so stay in touch.
Thursday April 19, 2012
We were up early to the coffee shop/bakery downstairs, love the city. The coffee is wonderful and the baked items are soooo good. Timi taught me some things on the computer to help me communicate with everyone and her better. She is very patient with me, and all of the passwords.
The three of us stopped at the gigantic local market, with everything from bulk food, meat, fish craft and gift items. Two floors of wondrous things and Langos, Hungarian bread treat. It is similar to Native American bread here. Native American fried bread has honey and sugar with cinnamon; this has lots of butter, garlic with more garlic. There are sever al toppings, the garlic is the traditional. In respect to the other passengers on the flight we did not choose the garlic.
It was a bitter/sweet ride to the airport; I am ready to come home, but very hard to leave these two remarkable people. They came in with me, stayed and helped me, then we parted. I confess I went into the restroom and cried, it was difficult to leave Hungary with Vera and Timi and their families.
The flight was the best, three seats open in the center section. I laid down closed my eyes and slept most of the way home.
Customs was easy, Andrea picked me up, brought me home. Judy and Andrea packed me a snack to eat before bed, how thoughtful and delicious, thank you.
end of another magnificent adventure.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Easter Monday at The White House
Pictures on
Easter Monday morning was just that, early morning, 3:00 as we were to be on the Ellipse at 4:00 to check in and go to the South lawn. The Metro begins at 5:00 so we took a cab, which was a bit faster.We arrived at the Ellipse, went through the security screening and the gate. Checked in, and then headed up to the lawn. We were screened and checked again, sent through the first gate, then onto the second at the entrance, finally on the lawn. People had already started to line up for the first shift, with their young children. It was a bit chilly; they were in their Easter finest all bundled up.
The floral designs were all checked, watered in place, looking very nice.
Then up to the costume tent area where I dressed to be an official Easter Egg. Many of you saw me on TV. We were interviewed by many national and local channels. Check back to that day on morning TV if you like and see the waving eggs, I was the fresh one!!!! That was so much fun, seeing the children and adults that wanted their picture taken with the eggs. The costumes were very heavy; the hat was too big for me and kept slipping over my eyes. We each had a guest helper to keep us where we needed to be, to adjust our hats and umbrellas. After an hour or so in the costume it was time to take it off, someone else put it on. I believe Andrea put it on next. It takes two and three people to help put that egg on over your head and gently lower it on to the shoulders, and worth every ache.
Later in the morning my friend Debi picked me up to take me on a walk through the National
Arboretum. The Azalea trees were in bloom, the flowers were bright and blooming, some cherry trees and of course tulips, daffodils all of the lovely spring bulbs and early spring flowers. Jack in the Pulpit, were all over the grounds.
The airline called, cancelled the flight from DC to Amsterdam that I was on, so I needed to reschedule. The person was so nice, she gave me tow choices, and I could fly to Detroit or Paris and still arrive in Amsterdam an hour later than originally scheduled. Really there is a choice between Detroit and Paris?????I choose Paris without a breath.
I was on the top beck of a huge plane, isle seat. I ate a small snack and slept most of the way to Paris. Went through security and Customs there, had a croissant, then it was time for the flight to Amsterdam, barley 2 hours, but 2 hours in Paris.
The hour flight to Amsterdam was too short for a nice nap, but great. Els was there to meet me. WE went to her house to settle in and freshen up. After a short time we headed out for some errands drove around the city and the beautiful lake and visited the Borema School of Floral Design. I took pictures and will have more information later to share with everyone. We talked about having a class for students from
WE shopped at a few stores, went to a couple of wholesale houses and garden centers and flower shops. Big day. Then home for a wonderful dinner, nice talk and bed.
Wednesday morning we took a nice long walk along the dikes, the windmills, through the village and farm land, had a nice breakfast, ran a couple errands, then packed and headed to Venlo.
KDIOF to come here for a tour and classes. More on that as well.
Easter Monday morning was just that, early morning, 3:00 as we were to be on the Ellipse at 4:00 to check in and go to the South lawn. The Metro begins at 5:00 so we took a cab, which was a bit faster.We arrived at the Ellipse, went through the security screening and the gate. Checked in, and then headed up to the lawn. We were screened and checked again, sent through the first gate, then onto the second at the entrance, finally on the lawn. People had already started to line up for the first shift, with their young children. It was a bit chilly; they were in their Easter finest all bundled up.
The floral designs were all checked, watered in place, looking very nice.
Then up to the costume tent area where I dressed to be an official Easter Egg. Many of you saw me on TV. We were interviewed by many national and local channels. Check back to that day on morning TV if you like and see the waving eggs, I was the fresh one!!!! That was so much fun, seeing the children and adults that wanted their picture taken with the eggs. The costumes were very heavy; the hat was too big for me and kept slipping over my eyes. We each had a guest helper to keep us where we needed to be, to adjust our hats and umbrellas. After an hour or so in the costume it was time to take it off, someone else put it on. I believe Andrea put it on next. It takes two and three people to help put that egg on over your head and gently lower it on to the shoulders, and worth every ache.
Later in the morning my friend Debi picked me up to take me on a walk through the National
Arboretum. The Azalea trees were in bloom, the flowers were bright and blooming, some cherry trees and of course tulips, daffodils all of the lovely spring bulbs and early spring flowers. Jack in the Pulpit, were all over the grounds.
The airline called, cancelled the flight from DC to Amsterdam that I was on, so I needed to reschedule. The person was so nice, she gave me tow choices, and I could fly to Detroit or Paris and still arrive in Amsterdam an hour later than originally scheduled. Really there is a choice between Detroit and Paris?????I choose Paris without a breath.
I was on the top beck of a huge plane, isle seat. I ate a small snack and slept most of the way to Paris. Went through security and Customs there, had a croissant, then it was time for the flight to Amsterdam, barley 2 hours, but 2 hours in Paris.
The hour flight to Amsterdam was too short for a nice nap, but great. Els was there to meet me. WE went to her house to settle in and freshen up. After a short time we headed out for some errands drove around the city and the beautiful lake and visited the Borema School of Floral Design. I took pictures and will have more information later to share with everyone. We talked about having a class for students from
WE shopped at a few stores, went to a couple of wholesale houses and garden centers and flower shops. Big day. Then home for a wonderful dinner, nice talk and bed.
Wednesday morning we took a nice long walk along the dikes, the windmills, through the village and farm land, had a nice breakfast, ran a couple errands, then packed and headed to Venlo.
KDIOF to come here for a tour and classes. More on that as well.
Easter at The White House
Happy Easter 2012
There are many people that put this event on, the production company ,Ceil Glombacki of the Egg Council and The Floral Team, headed by Ardith and Sherry. This year Sherry’s husband Tim was a huge help as always, Andrea Shuck, my niece, Debi Deimling, Linda Grummel, Anne Decker, Anne Z,Libby Cupp, Trish Pike, and Rebecca. Thank you all for volunteering your time, talent and patience. We do what must be done to design the flowers for this annual fun event. There are times when the president is “ on the move” that we “play possum” which means stay in one area , everyone on the lawn, helpers, performers, everyone stop what they are doing, go to one place and wait until they ask us to go back to our tasks. It is always interesting and a great time to meet other helpers, acts and staff.
I arrived Friday morning to tent full of fresh beautiful flowers on the South Lawn of The White House. Eufloria from California sent the most luscious roses, the colors were stunning, bright, the blossoms were in perfect shape. They not only grow these lovely roses, they know how to pack and ship them so they arrive in premier condition for designing. California Cut Flowers sent oh so beautiful assortment of tall strong larkspur and full Queen Ann’s lace, full bright colored heather, artichoke and pincushion protea to be envied. Thank you for the beautiful assortment of fresh flowers to create arrangements for the annual White House Easter Egg Hunt and Play Day.
The flowers are the best; we needed the best product to create in. Western Pulp in Oregon again this year donated ReCreation containers of all sizes for the many creations. Of course Smithers Oasis was used for the foam. Smithers has been a consistent support for the White House Egg Hunt. With Smithers
foam and Western pulp containers it is a sure win. We use the Smithers Oasis small and large casket saddles for many of the stage designs as they hold water, have a nice secure hold and will not be blown away, which is so so important !!!! Believe me.
With the flowers we made 20 plus large arrangements for The First Lady and President’s Reading stage where they read stories to the children. There were designs on the cooking stage, Play With Food, The Hop To It stage, Two huge amazing designs for the main stage, two for the Egg Roll area, several for photo opportunities throughout the lawn. 20 designs were made in Western Pulp Recreation containers and Smithers Oasis foam for the VIP tent, the performers tent and the changing tent areas.
To enter the White House South Lawn one must be cleared to enter the street gate, when cleared the officer allows entrance, you set your purse on the ground , walk away from it, stand to the side, the dog will look at, into and around the bag. I was a bit anxious at one time as there was chocolate in my bag. He had his nose in there for longer than was comfortable for me, I mentioned that there were chocolates in there, the officer just smiled and kept on checking. Then to the lawn gate where your ID is handed in again, checked again, then allowed in. The same routine in gone through there. It makes me feel safe and that our president is safe. There are well trained officers and staff throughout the grounds, friendly in a very business manor. Amazing.
Holland 2012
Saturday April 14
We ate breakfast; I packed for the next part of the trip to Hungary. We took a walk into the village, shopped, looked, talked, and enjoyed the lovely morning and delightful company. I look forward when we can see each other and share time once again.
Els dropped me at the airport where I changed my flight coming back to Minneapolis. I received an e mail from Vera and Timi my friends in Hungary. They had contacted the Hungarian Florist Association, lucky for me there was a program/meeting on Wednesday April 18, the day I planned to return to Minneapolis. They invited me to take part as a stage presenter, is an honor to be invited. Vera and Timi worked out the details with the officials of the association. I changed my flight to the next day April 19.
We ate breakfast; I packed for the next part of the trip to Hungary. We took a walk into the village, shopped, looked, talked, and enjoyed the lovely morning and delightful company. I look forward when we can see each other and share time once again.
Els dropped me at the airport where I changed my flight coming back to Minneapolis. I received an e mail from Vera and Timi my friends in Hungary. They had contacted the Hungarian Florist Association, lucky for me there was a program/meeting on Wednesday April 18, the day I planned to return to Minneapolis. They invited me to take part as a stage presenter, is an honor to be invited. Vera and Timi worked out the details with the officials of the association. I changed my flight to the next day April 19.
Holland 2012
Friday April 13, 2012
After another delicious and healthy breakfast Els and I left her house to meet Bob Gordon AIFD, his dear wife Ruthie and a tour of 20+people that he was the tour group leader for the visit to Holland and Floriade, plus the auction and Kukenhof gardens. We meet at the auction, checked in, and began a really great tour with Els as the tour guide. She is a native of Holland, her departed husband George sold and bought through the auction, we are fortunate. I was there a few years ago, it was not o computer then, wow, it is first class, high tech. There are 5 areas as the one in the picture. Look at Alsmeer Flower Auction for details on how it all works. We walked, looked and shared the volume of what happens with the flowers, foliages and plants.Els and I said goodbye to Bob, Ruthie and their group, then we headed to the supplies/product/wholesale area across the area. There were some really wonderful ideas that I will talk with Jacquie about in our supply department at Koehler to help inform our customers. It is exciting.
We went to Els house, talked, had a good lunch. About 3:00 we left the house to visit Kukenhof Gardens and the tulip fields. It is a short drive, she lives so central, and the country is small. We passed so many beautiful fields of flowers, the lilacs and fruit trees were blooming, beauty everywhere.
Els worked at the gardens for years designing, giving programs, and creating displays.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Floriade 2012
April 12,2012
Floriade 2012 Velno Holland
We stayed in a nice hotel last night, a garden room on the main floor. It was lovely with a charming garden to look at and enjoy. The hotel that Els choose included the ticket to Floriade, a coffee and pastry of the region which we ate after we checked in, a dinner and wine and breakfast, including parking and free WIFI.
It took a couple of hours to drive from her house through the beautiful countryside. There was a lot of traffic both ways, so she concentrated on the road .After we checked in and ate our snack we walked through the little town Arcen ,the shops and gift shops, a flower shop and clothing shops. It was really nice. Everyone spoke some English, some more than others, , The drive was about 15 minutes to the parking for Floriade. The bus was waiting to take us to the entrance. Everything is well marked. We entered a Floraculture and Horticulture wonderland from all over the world. I will not take the time to walk through all of the exhibits, please go on line to .
We arrived right at 10:00 when it opened and stayed until 5:00. We saw everything we wanted, almost all of the exhibits. Several were a walk through. One can bring their lunch and snacks or purchase many different varieties of food and drink there.
So much Green, both in the color and green products. Part of the whole concept is recycle, growing, caring for the earth in all languages and resources. There were the best exhibits for children, interactive for all ages, a, adults actors, performers, floral designers, gardeners…so much to see.
We ended in the Floraculture building. Els will be judging the exhibits with some other invited professional judges. We talked to one of the people in charge to have some information on what the criteria is for the exhibits. I will include some pictures.
Our feet are well used today, it was pleasant. I am blessed to be able to be here after 25 years of wanting to come and see Floriade. Thank you everyone for encouraging me to follow my goal and to Els who made my dream a reality.
On to Kukenhof gardens tomorrow. Yipee pofergees to eat.
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