Saturday, April 21, 2012

Easter Monday at The White House

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Easter Monday morning was just that, early morning, 3:00 as we were to be on the Ellipse at 4:00 to check in and go to the South lawn. The Metro begins at 5:00 so we took a cab, which was a bit faster.We arrived at the Ellipse, went through the security screening and the gate. Checked in, and then headed up to the lawn. We were screened and checked again, sent through the first gate, then onto the second at the entrance, finally on the lawn. People had already started to line up for the first shift, with their young children. It was a bit chilly; they were in their Easter finest all bundled up.
The floral designs were all checked, watered in place, looking very nice.
Then up to the costume tent area where I dressed to be an official Easter Egg. Many of you saw me on TV. We were interviewed by many national and local channels. Check back to that day on morning TV if you like and see the waving eggs, I was the fresh one!!!! That was so much fun, seeing the children and adults that wanted their picture taken with the eggs. The costumes were very heavy; the hat was too big for me and kept slipping over my eyes. We each had a guest helper to keep us where we needed to be, to adjust our hats and umbrellas. After an hour or so in the costume it was time to take it off, someone else put it on. I believe Andrea put it on next. It takes two and three people to help put that egg on over your head and gently lower it on to the shoulders, and worth every ache.
Later in the morning my friend Debi picked me up to take me on a walk through the National
Arboretum. The Azalea trees were in bloom, the flowers were bright and blooming, some cherry trees and of course tulips, daffodils all of the lovely spring bulbs and early spring flowers. Jack in the Pulpit, were all over the grounds.
The airline called, cancelled the flight from DC to Amsterdam that I was on, so I needed to reschedule. The person was so nice, she gave me tow choices, and I could fly to Detroit or Paris and still arrive in Amsterdam an hour later than originally scheduled. Really there is a choice between Detroit and Paris?????I choose Paris without a breath.
I was on the top beck of a huge plane, isle seat. I ate a small snack and slept most of the way to Paris. Went through security and Customs there, had a croissant, then it was time for the flight to Amsterdam, barley 2 hours, but 2 hours in Paris.
The hour flight to Amsterdam was too short for a nice nap, but great. Els was there to meet me. WE went to her house to settle in and freshen up. After a short time we headed out for some errands drove around the city and the beautiful lake and visited the Borema School of Floral Design. I took pictures and will have more information later to share with everyone. We talked about having a class for students from
WE shopped at a few stores, went to a couple of wholesale houses and garden centers and flower shops. Big day. Then home for a wonderful dinner, nice talk and bed.
Wednesday morning we took a nice long walk along the dikes, the windmills, through the village and farm land, had a nice breakfast, ran a couple errands, then packed and headed to Venlo.
KDIOF to come here for a tour and classes. More on that as well.

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