Time to call the credit card company to tell them you will be traveling. The ones from Minnesota, tell them you will be stopping in Chicago, then Amsterdam. You others be sure to tell them where you may be stopping so they are in the loop.
Make copies of your passport, drivers license and credit cards, front and back. Find a safe place for the copies. In country travel with the copy of your passport, keep the original in the safe at the hotel.
You may want to find some zip lock bags. Make a sewing kit,first aid kit,toiletry kit,mail box kit, security kit with small flashlight,mark each for easy use. Bring a bag for dirty clothes ,just in case you spill something. Better yet, wear dark clothes and bring a spot remover,in the laundry kit. I always bring a wash cloth to use in the plane restroom with my toothbrush.
Make a packing list. Make a list of what you pack, keep it with your papers in case something is lost or misplaced. Always bring with you something to wear one day in case of lost luggage.Check on international travel sites for great suggestions.
Do not bring anything you cannot live without, as those lovely earrings or the bracelet your kids made for you.
Wear your most comfortable shoes to travel in, pack the pretty ones. This is no fashion show, travel light, comfortable. I usually bring a bandanna and a shawl/scarf.Research the weather, analyze the activities. When in doubt,leave it out.The theory is pack what you can carry/drag 3/4 mile uphill. There will be none of that, but think about the amount. Wear clothes a couple days in a row, and bring plenty of deodorant...tee hee.
The camping/sports stores carry condensed toilet tissue for your nose and everything more. It is small and very useful.
Pack you medications in a couple places, some for travel and a couple of days, then some for the trip.
Remember some sockies for the plane travel. They will have a pillow and a blanket. Bring a snack if you like to nibble. I bring a combination of almonds, peanut butter M&M's and dried cherries,always a surprise when I put some in my mouth.
Bring your travel attitude, if it happens,we can manage it.This is an amazing fun experience, live it, I really mean live it.
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